“…Quartz grains con sti tute the most com mon de tri tal compo nent, but there are also tests com posed, partly or en tirely, of or ganic ma te rial, i.e. coccolihts, sponge spicules, tests of other foraminifera, di a toms, radio lar ians, or fine frag ments of bi valve tests (Smith and Kaesler, 1970;Tendal et al, 1982;Commeau et al, 1985;Cart wright et al, 1989;Gooday and Claugher, 1989;Gooday et al, 1995aGooday et al, , 2002Gooday et al, , 2010Allen et al, 1999;Gooday and Smart, 2000; Thom sen and Ras mus sen, 2008 and ref er ences therein). Be sides quartz, the fol low ing in or ganic de tri tal com po nents are ob served in the foraminifera test walls: cal cite, ar agon ite, do lo mite, glauconite, feld spars, micas, pyroxene, hornblende, mag ne tite, py rite as well as other heavy min er als, e.g.…”