ABSTRACT. Collaborations to address complex societal problems associated with managing human-natural systems often require large teams comprised of scientists from multiple disciplines. For many such problems, large-scale, transdisciplinary projects whose members include scientists, stakeholders, and other professionals are necessary. The success of very large, transdisciplinary projects can be facilitated by attending to the diversity of types of collaboration that inevitably occur within them. As projects progress and evolve, the resulting dynamic collaborative heterogeneity within them constitutes architectures of adaptive integration (AAI). Management that acknowledges this dynamic and fosters and promotes awareness of it within a project can better facilitate the creativity and innovation required to address problems from a systems perspective. In successful large projects, AAI (1) functionally meets objectives and goals, (2) uses disciplinary expertise and concurrently bridges many disciplines, (3) has mechanisms to enable connection, (4) delineates boundaries to keep focus but retain flexibility, (5) continuously monitors and adapts, and (6) encourages project-wide awareness. These principles are illustrated using as case studies three large climate change and agriculture projects funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Key Words: architectures of adaptive integration; collaborative science; team science
INTRODUCTIONGeneration of innovative science and its applications to address complex societal problems associated with managing humannatural systems requires research approaches that mirror the complexity of these systems. However, the architecture of large, multidisciplinary, multi-institutional, multiyear projects that undertake this requisite systems approach research is not well understood, despite increasing public and private funding and a growing discourse on transdisciplinarity and team science. In this synthesis paper, diverse conceptions of the processes and structures associated with conducting collaborative research are used to develop architectures of adaptive integration (AAI) for large-scale projects. In this context AAI is defined as the explicit and implicit dynamic structures and processes that characterize collaborations among heterogeneous groups of scientists and stakeholders working to address a shared problem affecting complex systems over time.