According to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, in 2021, the volume of non-primary non-energy exports in value increased by 36,2 % to the level of 2020 and reached 191.4 billion US dollars. The share of exports of agro-industrial complex products in non-primary exports amounted to 19,4 %. The author analyzed the export of products of the agro-industrial complex as one of the components of the country's non-primary export potential, as well as a significant factor in increasing customs payments and revenues to the country's budget. The aim of the study is to quantify the contribution of agriculture to the dynamics of customs payments from non-primary non-energy exports of Russia. The author studied the dynamics and structure of exports of agricultural products, the rates of customs payments on exported agricultural products, and made a quantitative assessment of customs payments associated with the export of agricultural products. The information base of the study includes data from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, the Russian Export Center, the Federal Center for the Export of Agricultural Products of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, specialized Internet portals for 2019-2022. Methods of empirical research are statistical methods of analysis of dynamics and structure.