Th e entry into the new market environment after 1990 marked the beginning of complicated structural, economic and social changes for agricultural companies that brought a measurable improvement in only few aspects of the technical performance and competitiveness. New forms of enterprise were created, the number of subjects increased and their average concentration decreased. Based on the analysis, it is claimed that in the majority of selected economic indicators, there was a signifi cant diff erence in the reached parameters among the groups of the analyse subjects using land, diff erentiated according to their legal status. Based on the results of testing, it is possible to claim that business companies show a higher extent of economic success evaluated through the selected economic indicators. Only in one case -the indicator of the amount of subsidies per 1 ha of agricultural land -it is impossible to establish a statistically signifi cant diff erence. Th is impossibility in that particular indicator only shows even more notably the fact that business companies are able to manage better than cooperatives even with subsidies per hectare of agricultural land that have not been statistically signifi cantly different.