In the steppe zone of the Omsk region from 2020 to 2022 two sowing periods (May, 15 and 25) of Severny oilseed flax with a seeding rate of five million germinated seeds per hectare on four chemicalization backgrounds were tested. With the norm for the steppe zone of the HTC 0.78 all the years of the experiments this indicator was only 0.37-0.58. Having sowed in the third decade of May, the yield of oilseed flax seeds with the use of a tank mixture of herbicides (Agritox, WC 1 l/ha and Legion, EC 0,4 l/ha) with a working fluid flow rate of 200 l/ha 0.868 tons of oilseeds were obtained from 1 ha and 1.009 t/ha were obtained with the help of a complex chemicalization, where Lingohumate 100 g/ha was used during the leaf development phase in a mixture of herbicides and Isagry Bor 0.5 l/ha during the building phase. They provided a profitability level of 197 %. Similar results were obtained having used only herbicides – 179.9 %. Ammophos’s introduction during sowing did not bring a significant increase in yield and reduced economic indicators. Having sowed in the second decade of May, the annual oilseeds yield was significantly lower and, accordingly, the level of profitability was decreasing sharply from 27.8 to 87.8 %.