The trends in the volume and structure of revenues and expenditures of budgets of 11 Far Eastern regions for 2013–2019 are analyzed. An analysis of the balance of consolidated budgets and dynamics of the state regional debt based on statistical and empirical research methods was performed. It is shown that, in the conditions of low inflation in 2018–2019 and positive dynamics of the main sources of revenue, the rate of growth of Far Eastern budget revenues in the period under review was lower than the respective Russian average. The revenues of the Far Eastern regions remained highly dependent on federal budget subsidies. It is revealed that the dynamics of changes in the main sources of growth of the revenue base of the regional budgets in the Far Eastern regions does not give much ground for optimism. The features of dynamics, as well as the problems of the poorly balanced and costly structure of regional public debt of the Far Eastern federal subjects are shown. The possibility of replacing inter-budget transfers, which form a third of budget revenues in the region, with taxes and fees collected in the territory and sent from the Far East to the federal budget is assessed.