b Solvent-producing clostridia are capable of utilizing pentose sugars, including xylose and arabinose; however, little is known about how pentose sugars are catabolized through the metabolic pathways in clostridia. In this study, we identified the xylose catabolic pathways and quantified their fluxes in Clostridium acetobutylicum based on [1-13 C]xylose labeling experiments. The phosphoketolase pathway was found to be active, which contributed up to 40% of the xylose catabolic flux in C. acetobutylicum. The split ratio of the phosphoketolase pathway to the pentose phosphate pathway was markedly increased when the xylose concentration in the culture medium was increased from 10 to 20 g liter Ű1 . To our knowledge, this is the first time that the in vivo activity of the phosphoketolase pathway in clostridia has been revealed. A phosphoketolase from C. acetobutylicum was purified and characterized, and its activity with xylulose-5-P was verified. The phosphoketolase was overexpressed in C. acetobutylicum, which resulted in slightly increased xylose consumption rates during the exponential growth phase and a high level of acetate accumulation.
Substrate cost is a major factor impacting the economics of fermentative solvent production by clostridia (7, 21). To reduce the substrate cost, abundant and inexpensive lignocellulosic materials could be used, and one of their major components is pentose-rich hemicellulose (15). Solventogenic clostridia, including Clostridium acetobutylicum and Clostridium beijerinckii, are capable of utilizing the hemicellulosic pentoses xylose and arabinose (25). However, knowledge of clostridial pentose metabolism is very limited.Recently, our group has characterized two key enzymes in the xylose utilization pathway of C. acetobutylicum, xylose isomerase and xylulokinase, which convert xylose to xylulose-5-P (14). In many bacteria such as Escherichia coli, xylulose-5-P is further catabolized to form the central intermediate glyceraldehyde-3-P by the pentose phosphate pathway enzymes, including transketolase and transaldolase. Another xylose catabolic pathway through the phosphoketolase is found to be present in heterofermentative and facultative homofermentative lactic acid bacteria (19, 37). The thiamine diphosphate-dependent phosphoketolases (EC cleave xylulose-5-P into acetyl-P and glyceraldehyde-3-P. In bifidobacteria, phosphoketolases are key enzymes of the fructose-6-P shunt to convert fructose-6-P to acetyl-P and erythrose-4-P (12, 34).Little is known about how xylose is metabolized through the metabolic pathways in solventogenic clostridia. Recent studies have shown that genes of the pentose phosphate pathway and a putative phosphoketolase-encoding gene in C. acetobutylicum are induced by pentose sugars (13, 33). However, the contribution of individual pathways to clostridial xylose catabolism has not been analyzed. To manipulate clostridia for efficient xylose utilization, it is important to gain insight into the responses of xylose catabolic pathways to environmental an...