More and more people are living in, or moving to, urban areas than ever before. This attraction to urban areas means that new houses and workplaces are needed. Building new houses or renovating older housing stock is a natural way for a city to evolve. However, the end products of construction projects are produced at their place of consumption. This means that a multitude of materials and resources need to be delivered to, and removed from, each construction site. This leads to new transport flows being created in urban areas. In urban areas, these transports are subjected to space limitations, environmental demands, accessibility demands and noise restrictions. This has led to a situation where material deliveries to construction sites needs to be coordinated and managed in ways that reduce their impact on the urban transport system and at the same time ensuring efficient construction projects. vi Slutligen visar forskningen på att en bygglogistiklösning måste introduceras med en uppsättning bestämmelser och en styrstrategi från den som initierar lösningen. Dessa bestämmelser och styrmedel måste vara tydliga och kommuniceras till berörda aktörer. För att minska motsättningar mot lösningen måste flexibilitet och intressentengagemang vara ledord. Om de direkt berörda aktörerna konsulteras om hur lösningen ska fungera ökar chansen att de kommer att acceptera lösningen. vii Foreword This journey that I am on, chasing that illusive PhD, is something that I have wanted to embark on for such a long time. Being here now, halfway through the PhD process, is something that would not have been possible without the support of the people around me. These few humble lines are dedicated to those persons. First and foremost, I want to thank my amazing superhero supervisor team, Martin Rudberg and Anna Fredriksson. Working with the two of you is a pleasure, I could not have asked for better people to guide me through this journey. I honestly do not think that this thesis would have turned out as well as it did without your scrutineering and support. Secondly, I want to give my special thanks to my colleagues in the construction logistics group, past and present, Andreas Ekeskär, Henric Jonsson, and Micael Thunberg. You are more than just colleagues to me, you are my dear friends. I cannot thank you enough for all the laughter, and occasional serious discussions we have had through the years. Thank you also for taking the time to read and comment on this thesis. Thirdly, I want to thank all my colleagues at the division of Communications and Transport Systems, this place would not be the same without you. A special thank you to Viveka Nilsson, your help with, well, everything is invaluable. I promise to (try to) become better at handing in my travel orders on time. J Finally, my thanks (and love) go out to my friends and family. I know that you may not always understand why I spend most of my time working or taking photos of cranes and construction sites, but you know that it is important to me and you always back me up in my sh...