The scope of environmental accounting includes waste and its neutralization. The activity is classified as a social minimum for the life of the population. The challenge is the growth of waste - household and non-household. Therefore, sustainable development, specifically - waste reduction and recovery, is identified as a center of state and municipal policy. These problems will be soEuroed by making sustainable management decisions. The solution to the problems is through the implementation of public-private partnerships in the form of concessions. It is necessary to derive fair value and analyze the concession rights, which is industrial property. The efficiency of maintaining the existing use of the landfill or granting a construction concession will be compared. It is consistent with the developed legal, technical and environmental analyses. The tasks are: analysis and evaluation of the activity, derivation of the prime cost of the service, evaluation of the concession rights for all interested parties, sustainability of the activity. Methods of synthesis, analysis, comparability and evaluation are applicable. Main results - assessment of the concession rights; assessment of the benefits for the concessionaire and the grantor; proving the sustainability and effectiveness of management decision-making Conclusions In the presence of a positive Present Value and Internal Rate of Return, both for the grantor and the concessionaire is sustainable and effective to grant Concession rights. Recommendations To set minimum limits for the return of the concessionaire and the grantor, so that the tariffs / price per unit of the provided service is socially affordable