We quantified the effects of grazing by the starfish Parvulastra (=Patiriella) exigua on microalgal assemblages in a lagoon on the South African west coast. This starfish is common on rocky shores in South Africa and Australia, but rarely occurs on soft sediments. Although grazing is well known to be a dominant structuring agent of marine systems, the influence of grazing starfish is poorly documented. Our results indicate that at natural densities, P. exigua plays an important role in structuring soft-sediment microalgal assemblages, having no significant effect on microalgal biomass, but reducing microalgal abundance probably through consumption. Interestingly, concentrations of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) increased with densities of P. exigua, indicating a potentially important ecological role of this starfish in enhancing carbohydrate levels on the sediment either through mucus addition or stimulation of bacterial biomass. Taxonomic richness and diversity of microalgae showed classical hump-shaped responses to increasing starfish density. Our findings are discussed in the context of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, which proposes that disturbance promotes diversity at intermediate intensities by eliminating dominant species and allowing poor competitors to co-exist. We also present evidence for a mechanism based on non-competitive interactions to explain the promotive effects of this starfish on microalgal diversity, arising from the ability of this species to enhance sedimentary EPS levels. Our results collectively indicate that P. exigua plays an important role in regulating diversity and richness of microalgal assemblages and concur with previous assertions that this starfish plays an underestimated role in structuring intertidal systems.
KEY WORDS: Extracellular polymeric substances · EPS · Diversity · Microalgae · Competition · Plant -animal interaction
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 435: [75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82] 2011 Lubchenco & Gaines 1981). Through consumption, grazers remove competitively dominant species that monopolise habitats, thereby allowing sub-dominants to establish. However, the role of non-competitive mechanisms by which grazers promote diversity are poorly understood and reported in the literature, even though such pathways are potentially significant (Pillay et al. 2010a).From a benthic perspective, non-competitive interactions are likely to be of importance in promoting diversity in aquatic soft-sediment ecosystems, as competition and competitive exclusion have rarely been shown to be important structuring forces in these habitats (Peterson 1979, Wilson 1990. Soft sediments are 3-dimensional ecosystems, allowing organisms to partition space vertically, by burrowing, thereby potentially minimising competition for space and food (Wilson 1990, Seitz 1998, Little 2000. This is in stark contrast to the situation on hard substrata, which are 2-dimensional systems, in which competition fo...