Abstract. Exact solutions for the electromagnetic response of a transmit-receive coil pair situated above two parallel plates separated by a gap, were developed using the recently published general model of Desjardins et al. that accounts for all electromagnetic interactions between the voltage-driven probe and the conducting samples. This model was then compared to the well-known model developed by Dodd and Deeds, which assumes a constant amplitude sinusoidal current and an open-circuit pick-up coil. Both models were compared with experimental results that measured the gap -materials simulated the electromagnetic properties of a Zr 2.5% Nb pressure tube and Zr-2 calandria tube, respectively, as found in the fuel channels of CANDU ® reactors. It was observed that while the Dodd and Deeds' model as applied to this work achieved a good shape agreement with experimental data for excitation frequencies at 2 kHz, at the higher frequency of 16 kHz good agreement was not achieved. In contrast, the model of Desjardin's et al., adapted for a transmitreceive probe configuration above two infinite flat plates, achieved an excellent shape agreement at both frequencies.