Background: This activity aims to increase the role of Bumdes Padaidi Sipodeceng through e-commerce information technology based on the Bumdes Sipodeceng Store application in improving the economy of the people of Sipodeceng Village.
Contribution: This activity improves the welfare of the people of Sipodeceng Village through e-commerce information technology.
Method: The method of this activity includes Socialization of the implementation of activities, Counseling by explaining the e-commerce information technology marketing model (BUMDES Sipodeceng Store), training and mentoring the use of information technology for BUMDES partner groups, carrying out assistance, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
Results: Training and mentoring activities based on pre-test and post-test data analysis have positive implications for 3 parameters: knowledge from 42.14 to 89.14%, skills from 35.9% to 90.12%, and motivation from 63.2% to 93 .2%. From these data, an analysis of the effectiveness of these 3 parameters is carried out, the values of which are knowledge at 81%, skills at 85%, and motivation at 79%. These three numbers indicate that community service activities are effective because the value is above 50%.
Conclusion: From these activities, it can be concluded that e-commerce information technology at BUMDES Padaidi Sipodeceng is still very much needed to increase the role of BUMDES in community empowerment.