We seek the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of the complete graph K n not having t edge-disjoint rainbow spanning subgraphs of specified types. Let c(n, t), m(n, t), and r(n, t) denote the answers when the spanning subgraphs are cycles, matchings, or trees, respectively. We prove c(n, t) = n−1 2 + t for n ≥ 8t − 1 and m(n, t) = n−2 2 + t for n > 4t + 10. We prove r(n, t) = n−2 2 + t for n > 2t + 6t − and r(n, t) = n 2 − t for n = 2t. We also provide constructions for the more general problem in which colorings are restricted so that colors do not appear on more than q edges at a vertex.