A vertex u ∈ V (G) resolves (distinguish or recognize) two elements (vertices or edges) v, w ∈ E(G) ∪ V (G) if d G (u, v) = d G (u, w). A subset L m of vertices in a connected graph G is called a mixed metric generator for G if every two distinct elements (vertices and edges) of G are resolved by some vertex set of L m. The minimum cardinality of a mixed metric generator for G is called the mixed metric dimension and is denoted by dim m (G). In this paper, we studied the mixed metric dimension for three families of graphs D n , A n , and R n , known from the literature. We proved that, for D n the dim m (D n) = dim e (D n) = dim(D n), when n is even, and for A n the dim m (A n) = dim e (A n), when n is even and odd. The graph R n has mixed metric dimension 5.