To determine the perceptions of senior faculty regarding frame factors influencing curriculum change at undergraduate level in public and private medical and dental schools at Peshawar, Pakistan.
This was qualitative exploratory case study and senior faculty was interviewed regarding the frame factors influencing integration and changes in undergraduate medical curriculum. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. Transcription, thick description was analyzed, coding was done, and similar codes were converted into categories. Finally, themes were created and concluded by thematic analysis. RESULTS:
A total of ten interviews were done that identified 52 open codes. These codes were merged into 19 categories that led to development of five themes of frame factors influencing the medical curriculum. The themes and categories were: Lack of proper resources including human, technical, financial and infrastructure (building, equipment); Environmental factors, which included cultural, political and social contexts, which if not supportive could influence the change in curriculum; Lack of supports from regulatory authorities; leadership; legal issues and fragmented assessment approach minimize the dream of the changes in curriculums.
Intention to change the medical curriculum is the ultimate goal but it is unlikely to grasp better pace due to few bottlenecks such as resources, infrastructure, and cultural, political and legal issues.