The peculiarities of heavily boron-doped germanium, selectively grown at low temperature by means of a cyclic deposition and etch chemical vapor deposition process, are investigated through the analysis of the structural and electrical material properties. The incorporation of B in Ge can exceed 6 Â 10 20 cm À3 , close to a factor 100 above the solubility limit, without any significant degradation of the Ge:B crystalline quality, although high B-doping induces an unwanted contraction of the Ge lattice. Micro-Hall effect measurements and the multiring circular transmission line method are used to evaluate the active carrier concentrations and resistivities of Ti/Ge:B contacts. Even though the resistivity of asgrown layers saturates for chemical B concentrations approaching 1 Â 10 21 cm À3 and increases beyond that level, a contact resistivity below 3 Â 10 À9 Ω cm 2 is obtained for the highest active doping concentration, showing that a compromise must be found to decrease the total contact resistance. Finally, first principles simulations are used to understand dopant deactivation mechanisms in the Ge:B system. In conclusion, the formation of boron-interstitial clusters is most likely the cause for electrical performance degradation at high doping values.