The objective of this article to discuss the process of teaching multiplication, having as principles the assumptions of the Historical-Cultural Theory -THC. Mathematics is present in our daily life and allows us tocommunicate, solve problems and promote social relations. This proves the importance and need for the appropriation of the concepts involved in the aritmetic operations is essential, especially multiplication. Therefore, through a bibliographical research, studies were made on Vygostki, Davydov, Moura Rosa, Galdino and other contemporary authors linked to this same perspective, the search for understanding principles that help us teach multiplication in the early years of schooling. We found that teaching needs to go beyond empirical aspects towards the development of theoretical thinking, being indispensable the execution of tasks and actions that make the student enter into study activity and understand the concept. The research shows that the theme needsmore investigated in order to have more propositions and referrals to ensure the learning of the multiplicative concept.