Egypt is one of the major countries in the region, especially with its high population. The large number of students per class and the shrinking budgets has highlighted the role of private sector universities; as it can serve a great number of students while maintaining the low number of students per class due. Although literature is rich with studies regarding higher education (HE) universities, key criteria to students'satisfaction in the Egyptian context; especially in private HEstill need to be investigated in order to assess their impact on students' overall satisfaction. Accordingly, the research inquires on the main criteria that affect students' overall satisfaction with regards to the staff value, educational e-services and knowledge at a college in a private university in Egypt; as it offers a variety of e-educational services, which makes it a suitable vehicle for the study at hand. The surveyed college, has 1701 enrolled students, where 200 structured questionnaires were randomly distributed over students, with 103 questionnaires returned and considered valid. Data was statistically analysed and hypotheses were tested using chi-square, correlation, and regression tests. Finally, the research findings confirm a positive relation between staff, educational e-services, and knowledge values together with students' satisfaction. Hen conclusions were drawn and, recommendations were made to decision makers highlighting the importance of these criteria in particular, and the need to be given more attention.