A teacher mastering a new paradigm needs professional support. In this case, it is recommended to create collective pedagogical action, in which all reflexive functions are performed by a teacher together with colleagues and educational technicians specialized in activity-based educational methods. The specific task of educational technicians is to follow semantic guidelines and normative frameworks of the above-mentioned pedagogical action. The reflexive position of educational technicians in relation to teaching means is that they should rely on activity-based learning and the corresponding principles of organizing and managing educational processes while supporting teachers. Thus, it is necessary to state that activity-based learning with its foundations, objectives, and methods has not acquired a comprehensive form for its popularization among school teachers. Currently, this paradigm is represented by a set of theoretical constructs from classical Russian psychology and a description of different educational experiments. The prerequisites for the training of educational technicians are associated with the application of the activity-based approach, which is the most developed in general education, for the training of educational technicians specialized in activity-based learning at institutions of higher education, including through the organization of quasi-professional activities. The study aims at considering various aspects of training educational technicians at institutions of higher education, including the specifics of the interim assessment. The authors of the article examine the corresponding literature on activity-based formats of professional training, as well as methods of forming educational events and outlining their content. The results obtained in the course of the study offer possible solutions to creating favorable conditions for the experimental and productive actions of future educational technicians. The novelty of the study is determined by a new approach to the training of educational technicians, which includes educational games having both diagnostic and reflexive potential.