This research is focused on evaluating the implementation of quality policy and work program of LPM STAI MU Tanjungpinang. Based on the focus of the research, the general objectives are broken down into specific objectives, among others, to improve the legal basis, objectives, targets and strategies of the Tanjung Pinang MU LAI STAI work program. Improve infrastructure procurement policies, as well as increase budget and monitoring, leaders, lecturers, staff, improve the policy implementation process, LPM at STAI MU Tanjungpinang. This research is a type of evaluation research with a qualitative approach using the CIPP model through stages of context, input, process, and product. The results of this study relate to LPM work program policies contained in the Statute of STAI Miftahul Ulum Tanjungpinang regarding the organizational structure of the civil service governance that is built in a credible, transparent, accountable manner.