The aim of this study was to develop appropriate educational videos for the Japanese Sociolinguistics Course and to analyze the feasibility level of educational videos for the Japanese Sociolinguistics Course in the Department of Education of Japanese Language Department, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The method used was MDLC with six stages; Concept, Design, Material Collecting, Assembly, Testing, and Distribution. Data collection was carried out by semi-structured interviews and mixed questionnaires (closed-ended followed by open-ended questions). The subjects involved in this study were one content expert, one media expert, and 9 learners of Japanese Sociolinguistics Course. The objects developed in this study were four educational videos on various sociolinguistics topics. Based on the assessment results of experts of material and media, the educational videos were determined as very good and could be used with revision. Based on the small group formative evaluation, the student response were also determined as very good.