We continue the tradition of reporting the past year's issues and trends that shape attitudes and approaches to instructional technology. This chapter is comprised of four sections: Overall Developments, Corporate Training and Development, Higher Education, and K-12 Settings. The trends and issues described are based on major annual reports sponsored and/or conducted by organizations including the Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly ASTD), EDUCAUSE, Gartner Incorporated, the New Media Consortium, the Online Learning Consortium (formerly the Sloan Consortium), and Project Tomorrow. These reports require time in terms of data collection, interpretation, and publication and thus refl ect the issues and trends of large groups over long periods of time. For a more immediate review of trending topics in instructional technology, please refer to the authors' biweekly podcast, Trends and Issues in Instructional Design , Educational Technology , and Learning Sciences (Brown & Green, 2014b ).
Overall DevelopmentsThe nation's economy has slowly continued to recover. Funding for K-12 and higher education rebounded slightly since the last review. The levels of funding, however, particularly in K-12, have not rebounded to the 2008 level prior to the