Dieng Plateau is a renowned tourist attraction due to its captivating panoramas, protected forest, agricultural viability, and geothermal resources. However, encouraging social life forces the local community to depend on the surrounding forest by utilizing the forest area as agricultural land. These activities harm the environment. This study aimed to determine the level of environmental damage and agricultural utilization in forest area of Dieng Plateau. Data collection methods were observation and interviews, with a purposive determination of the sample. Data analysis was carried out spatially to determine the level of environmental damage. The results showed that the erosion rate in the Dieng Plateau was in the moderate (33-35 cm), heavy (86-100 cm) and very heavy class (92-235 cm). The level of canopy cover is in the moderately dense class (60%), sparse class (20-40%) and very sparse class (<20%). The level of land productivity is in the low class (40%), moderate class (45-53%), high class (70%) and very high (93%). The level of environmental management ranged from poor to excellent. The level of environmental damage in total is in the rather severe and damaged class. For this reason, it is necessary to implementing environmental damage control strategies by land rehabilitation and closely monitoring agricultural activities by the forest area management and local government authorities are essential measures.