This article refl ects on working in eight universities in Finland, Sweden, and the UK, along with many transnational research projects. These are analysed within the framework of what might be called neoliberal universities, neoliberal trans(national)patriarchies, and neoliberal masculinities. Importantly, these are refl ections from the global North, being transnationally located there, rather than glossed as 'global' or simply assumed as nationally contextualised.This discussion is located within the burgeoning literature on neoliberalism, and then proceeds to examine, fi rst, experiences in the UK, before those in Finland and Sweden. The fi nal section focuses on the transnationalisation of these neoliberal processes in academia -for example, through transnational research development, projectisation of research, and language use, performance and performativity. In such ways multiple connections are drawn between the greater organisational 'autonomy' of universities, contradictions of transnationalisations of academia, and the construction of 'autonomous' individual(ist) academics. 1 This article is a development of the presentation given at the RINGS conference 'Gender in/and the Neoliberal University', Prague, November 2015. I would like to thank Liisa Husu for advice on academic systems and statistics, Greg Wolfman for discussions on neoliberalism, anonymous reviewers and the editors for helpful contextualising and clarifying suggestions, and many transnational feminist(ic) researchers for excellent collaborations.