-the aim of this study was to verify changes in absolute power (qEEG), in theta, during the catch of a free falling object. the sample consisted of 10 healthy individuals, of both genders, with ages between 25 and 40 years. A three-way ANOVA followed by Post-Hoc analysis was applied. the results demonstrated main effects for time and position. In conclusion, a motor task that involves expectation produces deactivation of non-relevant areas in the ipsilateral hemisphere of the active limb. On the other hand, the patterns of results showed activation in areas responsible for planning and selection of motor repertories in the contralateral hemisphere.Key wOrds: absolute power, qeeG, planning, sensorimotor integration.Mudanças na potência absoluta no EEG quantitativo durante tarefa de apreensão de um objeto em queda livre resumO -O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar mudanças na potência absoluta (EEGq), em teta, durante a pegada de objeto em queda livre. A amostra consistiu de 20 indivíduos saudáveis, de ambos os gêneros, com idade entre 25 e 40 anos. Foi utilizada uma ANOVA three-way seguida de uma análise Post-Hoc. Os resultados demonstraram efeito principal para momento e posição. concluindo, uma tarefa motora que envolve expectativa produz desativação de áreas não-relevantes no hemisfério ipsilateral do membro ativo. Por outro lado, o padrão dos resultados mostrou ativação em áreas responsáveis por planejamento e seleção de repertórios motores no hemisfério contralateral.PAlAvrAs-chAve: potência absoluta, eeGq, planejamento, integração sensório-motora. motor behavior is the product of a fine integration between cortical and peripheral components associated to afferent information. the central nervous system (cNs) captures, identifies and processes sensory stimuli in order to prepare and adjust motor behavior 1 . the prefrontal cortex (PFc) is an integration cortex. It is considered neither a sensory nor a motor cortex; it is an association region, providing integration sensory stimuli to motor centers 2,3 . the PFc is involved in cognition, attention maintenance, planning and organization, including the capacity to follow certain thought sequences and behavior strategy choices 4 . Plastic alterations might occur in this area regarding motor reactions (reaction time, anticipatory movements and motor learning), which might lead to performance and gesture precision improvement 5 . Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) has made possible the elucidation of cognitive processes and motor learning 6,7 . specific electroencephalographic variables are particularly related to such processes. Absolute power, defined as total energy intensity of an electrode on a certain region at different frequency bands 8 . therefore, the present study examined the theta band (4-7 hz), due to its relation with attention processes, particularly, sustained attention 9 . Previous experimental data showed an association between theta and cognitive and visual-