The traits that provide technological quality to common bean grains exhibit genetic and environmental variation and variation in the genotype x environment interaction. In this context, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of different periods of the growing season on the technological quality of common bean grains. The experiment was conducted with 25 bean genotypes (carioca [beige with brown stripes] and black commercial group) that are part of the Value for Cultivation and Use (Valor de Cultivo e Uso -VCU) trials in three growing seasons, namely, the 2009/2010 rainy season, the 2010/2011 dry season and the 2010/2011 winter season, in a randomized block experimental design with three replications in which the following items were assessed: cooking time (CT), water absorption capacity before cooking (Peanc) and after cooking (Peapc), percentage of whole grains (PWG), total soluble solids in the broth (TSSb), volume expansion before cooking (EXPVbc) and after cooking (EXPVac), and dry grain density (DD), grain density after maceration (SD) and grain density after cooking (CD). Assessments showed that the different growing seasons for obtaining grains for the purpose of analysis of technological quality have an effect on the results and on differentiation among genotypes, indicating genotype x environment interaction. They also showed that the genotypes C2-1-6-1, C4-8-1-1, LP04-03, IAC-Imperador, P5-4-4-1 and Pr11-6-4-1-2 had the best results in relation to cooking time in the mean values of the three growing seasons. The use of early selection based on phenotypic correlations that exist among the technological features is not expressive, due to the variation of magnitude among the different growing seasons.Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris L, common bean, cooking time, genotype by environment interaction.
Qualidade tecnológica dos grãos de feijoeiro obtidos em diferentes épocas de cultivo
ResumoOs caracteres que conferem qualidade tecnológica aos grãos de feijão apresentam variação genética, ambiental e da interação genótipos x ambientes. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência de épocas de cultivo na qualidade tecnológica dos grãos de feijoeiro. O experimento foi conduzido com 25 genótipos de feijoeiro (grupo comercial carioca e preto) pertencentes aos ensaios de VCU (Valor de Cultivo e Uso) nas três épocas de cultivo, correspondendo à época das águas 2009/2010, da seca 2010/2011 e do inverno 2010/2011, sob delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com três repetições, onde avaliaramse: tempo de cozimento (TC), capacidade de absorção de água antes (Peanc) e após (Peapc) o cozimento, porcentagem de grãos inteiros (PGI), sólidos solúveis totais no caldo (SSTc), expansão volumétrica antes (EXPVac) e após (EXPVpc) o cozimento e densidade dos grãos secos (DS), macerados (DU) e cozidos (DC). As avaliações revelaram que as épocas de cultivo dos grãos para análise de qualidade tecnológica influenciam nos resultados e na diferenciação entre os genótipos, indicando interação genót...