Pre-immunization with mild strains of Papaya ringspot virus -type W (PRWV-W) has allowed the mosaic disease to be controlled in different cucurbit species, with increases in marketable fruit yield. The objective of this study was to compare virus concentration, biomass and symptomatology of 'Caserta' zucchini squash, 'Menina Brasileira' long-neck squash and 'Crimson Sweet' watermelon plants infected by three mild strains and one severe strain of PRSV-W. Plants were inoculated at the cotyledonary stage, under greenhouse conditions, sampled at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after inoculation (DAI), and analyzed by PTA-ELISA. The severity of the symptoms was scored according to a scale from 1 to 5, and the fresh and dry biomass of the aerial part of the plants were evaluated at 40 DAI. Concentrations of the mild strains, based on absorbance values of the PTA-ELISA, were lower than the concentration of the severe strain for all species. The mild strains did not cause mosaic in infected plants of all species. Plants of zucchini squash and watermelon infected by the severe strain exhibited severe mosaic symptoms, but the same was not noticed for infected long-neck squash plants. Biomass values from zucchini squash and watermelon plants infected by the mild strains were 1.7 % to 12.4 % lower as compared to healthy plants. Biomass values of zucchini squash and watermelon plants infected by the severe strain presented greater reduction, varying from 29 % to 74 %. However, biomass values of long-neck squash plants infected by the mild and severe strains were similar for all treatments. Key words: PTA-ELISA, Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita moschata, Citrullus lanatus
BIOMASSA, CONCENTRAÇÃO VIRAL E SINTOMATOLOGIA DE CUCURBITÁCEAS INFECTADAS POR ESTIRPES FRACAS E SEVERA DO Papaya ringspot virusRESUMO: A premunização com estirpes fracas do Papaya ringspot virus -type W (PRSV-W) tem proporcionado o controle do mosaico em diferentes cucurbitáceas, com ganhos na produção de frutos comerciais. Neste trabalho foram comparadas as concentrações virais, severidade dos sintomas e biomassa das plantas de abobrinha-de-moita 'Caserta', de abóbora 'Menina Brasileira' e de melancia 'Crimson Sweet' infectadas com três estirpes fracas e uma estirpe severa do PRSV-W. As plantas foram inoculadas em estádio cotiledonar e mantidas em casa de vegetação. Aos 7, 14, 21, 28 e 35 dias após a inoculação (DAI), amostras foliares foram analisadas por PTA-ELISA para avaliar a concentração viral. A severidade dos sintomas foi avaliada por uma escala de notas de 1 a 5 e a biomassa da parte aérea das plantas foi determinada aos 40 DAI. As concentrações das estirpes fracas foram menores do que a da estirpe severa nas três espécies. As estirpes fracas não causaram sintomas de mosaico nas plantas das três espécies estudadas. A estirpe severa causou sintomas extremamente acentuados em abobrinha-de-moita e melancia e sintomas relativamente fracos em abóbora 'Menina Brasileira'. Os valores de biomassa das plantas de abobrinha-de-moita e melancia infectadas pelas e...