BACKGROUND Prostate, a genital organ, secretes fluid, seminal plasma, the possible function of which is to provide nutrition to the sperms and serve as their vehicle during ejaculation. Prostate is of great clinical importance because of its affinity for inflammatory, congestive, hyperplastic and neoplastic diseases. Majority of instances of prostatic pathology are manifested by derangement of urination owing to the intimate anatomical relationship between urinary bladder and prostate. We studied serum TSH Levels in patients of BPH and CA prostate and its relation with skeletal metastasis.This descriptive study was aimed to study any correlation between Serum TSH level and bone metastasis in patients with Prostate carcinoma.
MATERIALS AND METHODSThis descriptive study was conducted at Rabindranath Tagore Medical College and Maharana Bhupal Government Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan in the Department of Surgery. A non-statistical sample size of 50 patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer was taken as per convenience. The patients were divided into 2 groups, 25 patients of BPH based on serum PSA estimation (control) and 25 patients of prostate cancer based on serum PSA estimation (test). Preoperative estimation of serum TSH and serum PSA was done in all the patients. All the patients were operated (TURP or palliative TURP). The results of serum TSH, serum PSA, and Gleason score were then analysed and a relation between increasing levels of serum TSH, serum PSA, and Gleason grade was sought based on exploratory data analysis (EDA).
RESULTSSerum PSA level in most of the BPH patients was found to be within normal limit and serum TSH level in all of the BPH patients was found to be within normal limits. Only in 8% cases of Prostate carcinoma patients had very high PSA level (>100 ng/mL) as well as increased serum TSH level and it was associated with Gleason score 8 (high-grade tumour) and skeletal metastases. Further statistical/epidemiological studies are required for confirmation of these findings.
CONCLUSIONOnly in 8% cases of Prostate carcinoma patients had a very high PSA level (>100 ng/mL) as well as increased serum TSH level, and it was associated with Gleason score 8 (high-grade tumour) and skeletal metastases. Further statistical/epidemiological studies are required for confirmation of these findings.