Tubeless and open siphons operate without conduits, in the open, supported only by extensional stresses. Here, we demonstrate that the addition of silica nanoparticles in modest concentrations (on the order of 1% by weight) to an aqueous Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) solution of a moderately low concentration (0.5% by weight) has a dramatic effect on the power of the siphon as well as on the ability of the siphon to completely clean substrates. These enhanced effects may have a partly fluid mechanical explanation, since they also occur when the siphon is laden with inert sub-millimetre particles (Wang & Joseph, J. Fluid Mech. vol. 480, 2003, p. 119). The extensional properties of PEO solutions are greatly enhanced when they are loaded with silica nanoparticles. The degradation of the PEO solution is suppressed by the addition of silica nanoparticles.