Oxide phase nanowires are important for applications ranging from optoelectronics to water splitting, but prove difficult to grow in high density with good crystalline quality and phase purity. Heterogeneous catalysts are typically required to nucleate growth. This work demonstrates that dispersions of oxide nanowires can be formed directly from solution processed oxide thin films. We also examine the effect of changes in applied pressure between a solution processed vanadium oxide thin film and a surface-contacted glass coupon on the catalyst-free formation of interconnected sodium vanadate nanowire structures by interdiffusion. Under different applied pressures, meshes of high quality crystalline oxide nanowires formed on the surface, and we examine the nature of phase conversion and nanostructure growth including larger shards composed of multiple conjoined nanowires are also examined. The optical properties of the oxides NWs formed by interdiffusion from oxide thin films show promising properties for application as antireflective coatings across a broadband spectral range. This interdiffusion technique is effective for high quality oxide nanowire growth without catalysts directly from insulating or conducting thin films by direct contact with a source of diffusing species. The integration of nanowires (NWs) with modern devices and systems is advancing considerably each year with new applications, from electronics/optoelectronics to energy storage/generation, availing of these nanosized structures as active materials.1-4 NWs can be made from a variety of materials each with their own specific applications, from metal to semiconducting NWs for use in applications such as transparent conducting electrodes, anti-reflection (AR) coatings, sensors, solar cells and photonics.2,5-9 Improved methods for the incorporation of NWs with other device components, such as ensuring intimate electrical/thermal contact with the underlying substrate, requires better control and understanding of the NW growth processes. Investigation of improvements into the deposition methods for NWs also needs to focus on improved control over the growth, optical/electrical properties and site selectivity using a variety of techniques through both top-down and bottom-up processes. [10][11][12][13] Applications such as transistor technologies require that there are no erroneous signals or crosstalk between each device; in situations such as this the growth and deposition technique of the NWs requires intricate and exacting methods to accomplish high site selectivity onto the substrates.14,15 However, this site selective single NW deposition is not required for every application; instead large interconnected NW networks with random orientations are more desirable and also easier to deposit. Interconnected NW networks are used for catalysis, photonics and sensing applications where the random orientations, high surface areas and increased electrical connections improves the light absorption/scattering, sensor sensitivity and the electrical conduc...