The objective of this work is to identify the most in uential parameters on the friction coe cient and wear rate, using the response surface method. The friction tests were carried out by adopting the methodology of complete planes 2 3 at three factors ("D", "V" et "Py"), at two level for each factor. The results show a decrease in the wear rate when the three factors are at their highest level and a decrease in the friction coe cient when using minimum loads and speeds on important distances. In addition, the developed mathematical models make it possible to reveal a correlation between the test parameters and the responses studied in their studied domain. An evaluation of the volume parameters "Vmc" and "Vvv" was carried out. The morphology of the worn surface shows that the friction under a load of 1 N leads to the predominance of an abrasive wear mechanism, while a load of 10 N favors an adhesive wear mechanism, increasing the parameters "Vmc" and "Vvv" to the maximum.