The effects of angiotensin II on total ammonia (tNH3) production and net secretion were investigated using in vitro microperfused mouse S2 proximal tubule segments incubated in KrebsRinger bicarbonate buffer containing 0.5 mM L-glutamine.Basolateral exposure of mouse S2 segments to 10-1,10-10, and 10-' M angiotensin II stimulated tNH3 production rates by 23, 52, and 49%, respectively. Addition of 10' M angiotensin II inhibited the tNH3 production rate by 34%. 10-10 M angiotensin II inhibited net luminal secretion of tNH3 in the presence of enhanced luminal acidification and in the absence of altered luminal tNH3 efflux rates. Measurements of intracellular pH (pH1) and intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2j1,) suggested that the effects of angiotensin II on tNH3 production were not mediated by changes in pH1 but by the stimulatory effect of angiotensin II correlated with increased ICa2+i. Inhibition of the calcium-calmodulin-dependent pathway with W-7 blocked the stimulatory effect of 10`0 M angiotensin II on tNH3 production and luminal acidification. These results indicate that angiotensin II has concentration-dependent effects on tNH3 production; that its action to stimulate tNH3 production may be mediated by rises in [Ca2+h and the calcium-calmodulin pathway; and that angiotensin II, at concentrations that stimulate tNH3 production, inhibits net luminal ammonia secretion by a mechanism that is not mediated by diminished luminal acidification or by changes in luminal ammonia efflux rates. (J. Clin. Invest. 1992.89:925-931.)