Background: Serum creatinine concentrations are higher in Greyhounds when compared with nonsighthound breeds. Greyhounds might also have higher urine creatinine concentrations compared with other breeds, which could affect urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPC) references. Objectives: We aimed to determine the UPC reference intervals (RIs) in healthy nonracing Greyhounds and compare this with UPC values in a group of healthy nonsighthounds and with the current International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) guidelines. Methods: The study used an observational cross-sectional design, involving clinically healthy, nonracing Greyhounds (n = 98) and nonsighthound dogs of similar weight, age, and sex (n = 24). Packed cell volumes, total solids, urine protein concentrations, serum and urine creatinine concentrations, urine specific gravity (USG) measurements, and UPCs were determined. Linear regression was used to compare urine creatinine and urine protein concentrations, relative to the USG measurements, between Greyhound and nonsighthound groups. Greyhound UPC RIs were determined using nonparametric methods and compared with UPC values in nonsighthounds and current IRIS guidelines.