Rochette, P. and Gregorich, E. G. 1998. Dynamics of soil microbial biomass C, soluble organic C and CO 2 evolution after three years of manure application. Can. J. Soil Sci. 78: 283-290. Application of manure and fertilizer affects the rate and extent of mineralization and sequestration of C in soil. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 3 yr of application of N fertilizer and different manure amendments on CO 2 evolution and the dynamics of soil microbial biomass and soluble C in the field. Soil respiration, soluble organic C and microbial biomass C were measured at intervals over the growing season in maize soils amended with stockpiled or rotted manure, N fertilizer (200 kg N ha -1 ) and with no amendments (control). Manure amendments increased soil respiration and levels of soluble organic C and microbial biomass C by a factor of 2 to 3 compared with the control, whereas the N fertilizer had little effect on any parameter. Soil temperature explained most of the variations in CO 2 flux (78 to 95%) in each treatment, but data from all treatments could not be fitted to a unique relationship. Increases in CO 2 emission and soluble C resulting from manure amendments were strongly correlated (r 2 = 0.75) with soil temperature. This observation confirms that soluble C is an active C pool affected by biological activity. The positive correlation between soluble organic C and soil temperature also suggests that production of soluble C increases more than mineralization of soluble C as temperature increases. The total manure-derived CO 2 -C was equivalent to 52% of the applied stockpiled-manure C and 67% of the applied rotted-manure C. Estimates of average turnover rates of microbial biomass ranged between 0.72 and 1.22 yr -1 and were lowest in manured soils. Manured soils also had large quantities of soluble C with a slower turnover rate than that in either fertilized or unamended soils.Key words: Soil respiration, greenhouse gas, soil carbon Rochette, P. et Gregorich, E. G. 1998. Cinétique du C de biomasse microbienne, du C organique soluble et du CO 2 après 3 années d'épandage de fumier de ferme. Can. J. Soil Sci. 78: 283-290. L'épandage de fumier et d'engrais chimique, influe sur le taux et sur l'étendue de la minéralisation et de la séquestration de C dans le sol. L'objet de nos travaux était de dégager, au champ, les effets de 3 années de fumure minérale N et d'apports de fumier frais ou plus ou moins décomposé sur l'évolution du CO 2 et sur la cinétique du C d'origine microbienne et du C soluble du sol. La respiration du sol, le C organique soluble et le C de biomasse microbienne étaient mesurés à diverses reprises durant la période de végétation dans des champs de maïs ayant reçu du fumier frais ou décomposé, un engrais azoté minéral (200 kg N ha -1 ) ou aucun amendement (témoin). Par rapport à ce dernier traitement, les fumiers accroissaient de 2 à 3 fois la respiration du sol et les niveaux des deux formes de C, mais l'engrais azoté minéral n'avait que peu d'effet sur ces paramètres. Da...