In this study, the carbonized boards were manufactured from different types of wood-based panel and then their moisture absorption/desorption properties were investigated and compared. The carbonization temperature was maximum 600℃ with 2 h maintains. Test results showed higher absorption/desorption capacity on carbonized plywood than carbonized MDF, PB, and OSB, respectively. However, carbonized MDF, OSB, and plywood had similar absorption/desorption rate per hour. It means carbonized OSB and plywood can transfer moisture into deeper side and then possibly hold more amount of water. Based on SEM images, carbonized OSB and plywood showed more like wood structure, while carbonized MDF and PB had only wood fiber or/and chunk of wood fragments. Therefore, original wood structure may affect moisture absorption/desorption capacity. In order to manufacture high moisture absorbing/desorbing carbonized board, wood structure should be considered and then carbonized.