In this study iron oxide layers (IOLs) formed on the surfaces of ingots during a rolling process were supplemented into stiren-butadiene rubber (SBR) based on a referenced rubber-back composition of 5-10-15-20 %, and accordingly five different samples were prepared. After vulcanization, the hardness, density, abrasion loss, tensile strength, percentage elongation, tearing strength and crosslink densities were measured. In addition to that, the effects of the crosslink density on the mechanical properties are discussed. The properties of the generated new compounds are comparatively discussed, both with respect to themselves and with those of the referenced rubber. It was observed that the iron oxide layer significantly reduces the cost of compound, and increases the wearing resistance with the increasing of the crosslink density, and provides an advantage for the properties of hardness, tensile strength, tearing strength and percentage elongation. In order to explain the changes in the mechanical properties, the fracture surfaces were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). When the SEM images are examined, it is seen that the filler dispersion in the rubber matrix is adversely affected by its increasing amount. The improved materials are discussed in terms of their usability in outsole applications. Keywords: compound, mechanical properties, iron oxide layer, crosslink V prispevku avtor predstavlja {tudijo priprave kompozitov na osnovi stiren-butadienske gume (SBR), kateri je bil kot oja~itvena faza dodan`elezov oksid (IOL), ki nastaja kot {kaja na povr{ini ingotov med postopkom vro~ega valjanja. Pripravili so pet razli~nih me{anic s (5, 10, 15 in 20) %, IOL. Po vulkanizaciji so dolo~ili trdoto, odpornost proti abrazijski obrabi, gostoto, natezno trdnost, raztezek, stri`no trdnost in gostoto pre~nega zamre`enja. Dodatno so analizirali vpliv gostote pre~nega zamre`enja na mehanske lastnosti. Lastnosti novih kompozitov so primerjali med seboj in z referen~no osnovo (~isto SBR, brez dodatka polnila). Ugotovili so, da IOL pomembno zmanj{a ceno kompozita, izbolj{a odpornost proti obrabi s pove~anjem gostote pre~nega zamre`enja, kakor tudi druge lastnosti, kot so: trdota, natezna in stri`na trdnost ter raztezek. Da bi razlo`ili spremembe mehanskih lastnosti izdelanih kompozitov, so okarakterizirali prelomne povr{ine z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) in energijsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo (EDS). Na osnovi SEM posnetkov avtorji ugotavljajo, da porazdelitev polnila oz. njegova disperzija v matrici gume, u~inkuje sorazmerno z nara{~ajo~im dele`em polnila. Avtorji v zaklju~ku {e ugotavljajo, kak{na je uporabnost teh kompozitov v~evljarstvu za izdelavo podplatov. Klju~ne besede: spojina, mehanske lastnosti, plast`elezovega oksida, pre~no zamre`enje