The effect of chemical composition and ferritic hot rolling on the formation of texture in the hot rolled and coiled, cold rolled, and cold rolled and annealed ultra-low carbon steels was studied. One of the experimental steels was fully stabilized with respect to carbon, whereas two others were expected to have some carbon in solution under equilibrium conditions. The steels were processed to yield mainly gamma fiber texture intensities in the austenitically hot rolled condition. Three different thermomechanical treatments were applied, including rolling in the ferrite temperature region. After hot rolling and coiling, the steels were cold rolled and annealed. The crystallographic orientations for each condition were presented in the form of socalled skeleton plots along the RD-, TD-and ND-fibers. It was found that the resulting texture in the hot rolled and coiled as well as in the cold rolled and annealed steels was dependent on the degree of recrystallization of the ferritic substructure. A well-advanced state of recrystallization eliminated the detrimental rotated cube component, leaving behind texture with a complete gamma fiber. The average strain ratio, measured for the cold rolled and annealed steels, increased with advancing state of recrystallization and increasing intensity of the {111} ͗110͘ texture component. It was also found that adding 100 ppm of Nb to the Ti alloyed ULC steel increased the average strain ratio by 15 % at a given {111} ͗110͘ texture intensity.KEY WORDS: ultra-low carbon steel; thermomechanical processing; hot rolling; ferritic rolling; cold rolling; annealing; texture; average strain ratio.cube component is drastically reduced. [20][21][22][23] Most of this work has been done by deforming steels solely in the austenitic temperature region. The present work studies the effect of ferritic hot rolling on the evolution of crystallographic orientation in Ti and TiϩNb alloyed ULC steels during hot deformation and coiling as well as during subsequent cold rolling and annealing. The experimental steels were processed to yield an extra large austenitic grain size during reheating, which combined with high reductions per pass are expected to produce mainly gamma fiber intensities in the hot bands that have been subjected to deformation in the austenitic region only.
Experimental Procedure
Materials and ProcessingThe three steels studied in this work were vacuum induction melted laboratory ingots, the chemical composition of which is given in Table 1. Steels 1 and 2 are alloyed with Ti and Nb, whereas steel 3 has Ti only. According to the stabilization maps developed by Hua et al.,24) steel 1 is fully stabilized with respect to carbon, whereas, under equilibrium, steels 2 and 3 are expected to have some carbon in solution, see Table 2. Most of the carbon is tied in MC (MϭNb and/or Ti) and Ti 4 C 2 S 2 precipitates. It can be seen in Table 2 that, under equilibrium, steel 1 has over half of its Nb content and one fourth of its Ti content in solution, whereas in steels 2 and 3 all Nb and Ti...