Protection against corrosion in most metals is afforded by the presence of a passive film. Passive film formation of nickel under atmosphere pressure can be recognized to range from Ni304 to Ni203 from the Pourbaix diagram [1]. Many detailed studies have been conducted recently to investigate the effect of chloride ions on the passivity of nickel [2][3][4][5]. The presence of halogen ions, particularly chloride, breaks down the passive film and causes pitting corrosion. Moon and Nobe [6] reported that corrosion rates of nickel increased with a reaction order of chloride ion of 0.4. Chevalet and Zutic [7] also summarized and proposed a reaction mechanism of nickel in chloride ion solutions.The main purpose of this work was to study the corrosion behaviour of nickel in the presence and absence of chloride ions at various pH values under atmospheric pressure at 25 and 56 ° C, respectively.Nickel specimens were prepared for polarization measurements from 99.99% nickel sheet. The specimens were polished with 600 grit silicon carbide paper, cleaned in acetone and dried. The test electrode assembly consisted of a teflon sleeve which covered all metal surfaces except the polished surface. The area of specimen surface contact with the cell solution was 1.07 cm 2. Electrochemical measurements were obtained using a typical three-electrode system. The electrode consisted of a stationary flat nickel electrode, a pair of counter electrodes and a saturated calomel reference electrode. A Nichia model G1001E potentiostat was used for the electrochemical measurements.The potential between the working electrode and the reference electrode was measured through a Luggin capillary which was placed as close as possible to the nickel electrode. Electrochemical corrosion experiments were initiated in one litre of desired pH solution prepared from reagents H2SO4, NaOH, NaC1 and deionized water, and then was operated under atmospheric pressure. Calibration was conducted in accordance with and .Evans diagrams for nickel specimens in solutions of various pH values under atmospheric pressure at 25 and 56 ° C, respectively, are shown in Figs 1 and 2. The log current (i) against potential plots in (3 g l-~ NaC1) chloride solutions are also shown in Figs 3 and 4. Each profile was begun approximately at the cathodic overpotential (t/,) value of -0.4V and scanned in an anodic direction to an anodic overpotential (r/a) of approximately 4-0.4V, or more, at a rate of 0.2 mV sec 1. As the scan rises from low to high potential, the current decreases to a zero value at the corrosion potential, Ecorr. Values of the polarization resistance (Rp) and corrosion current density (i~o~) from linear polarization are included in Table I