Figure 10 shows the coulombic efficiency of Li/LiC104/ PPy batteries at various current densities. Each cell was charged to a 21% of doping level. Since the capacity of BF4--formed PPy is very low compared to the others, even the doping level of 21% is overloaded for this cathode. In fact, for even shallow charges, an extraordinary high cell voltage (over 4.5V) was observed, indicating that the PPy film is subject to oxidative decomposition. For this reason, the results for Li/LiCIO4/PPy formed with BF( are not shown. The battery assembled with the PPy cathode formed with PF6-keeps 100% of eouiombic efficiency up to the current density of 2.5 mAcm -2. From a high current density criteria better battery performance is also displayed in the order of PFC-, CF3803 -, CiO4 -formed PPy cathodes. In conclusion, the battery behavior of Li/LiCiO4/ pPy cell is consistent with the size and nucleophilicity of the polymerization anion.
ABSTRACTThe potentiodynamic behavior of polycrystalline nickel disk electrodes in the potential range of the active to passive transition was investigated in still and stirred sulfuric acid solutions containing potassium sulfate in the 0.4 ~< pH ~< 5.7 range. Voltammetric data derived with a nickel rotating disk electrode allow a distinction between the main competing processes associated with the active to passive transition of nickel in acid, through their different dependences on the potential sweep rate and on the rotation speed. The first process corresponds to the formation of a nickel hydroxide solid phase through a relatively simple mechanism initially involving adsorbed (OH) species. The second process comprises the chemical dissolution and precipitation of nickel hydroxide, producing the thickening of the anodic layer. At high positive potentials, this anodic layer progressively transforms into the NiO passive layer. The overall reaction is discussed in terms of a complex reaction pathway in which the participation of water plays a fundamental role. ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2014-11-27 to IP J. Electrochem. Soc.: ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY May 1988 ) unless CC License in place (see abstract). address. Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see Downloaded on 2014-11-27 to IP