Rat alveolar macrophages release superoxide into the extracellular medium when stimulated by concanavalin A. This process, the respiratory burst, is characterized by a delay between binding of the stimulus and release of superoxide. It has been proposed that a key event that occurs during this delay period is the alteration of membrane electrical potential. Microelectrode impalement was used to directly measure electrical properties of the plasma membrane. Upon addition of concanavalin A, the membrane potential depolarized 21%, and membrane electrical resistance decreased 16%. Parallel chemical measurement of superoxide release indicated that these changes in electrical properties precede the release of superoxide.Generation of superoxide radical is an integral part of the antimicrobial activity of phagocytic cells (1). The process in which superoxide is released by these cells is characterized by a lag between recognition of a stimulus and activation of a plasma membrane NADPH oxidase, which catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to superoxide. Based on studies of altered transmembrane distribution of various lipid-soluble cationic probes, an essential step in the process whereby the NADPH oxidase is activated appears to be a change in the plasma membrane potential. However, there is controversy as to whether the required change is a depolarization, hyperpolarization, or a sequence of potential fluctuations (2-11). Among the reasons for the uncertainty in these measurements are (i) the time necessary for movement of the cations after perturbation; (ii) accumulation or redistribution (or both) of the cations across the inner mitochondrial membrane, which has a much greater potential difference (negative inside) than that of the plasma membrane (12); and (iii) metabolic alterations of the probes. For example, Whitin et al. (11) In this study of rat alveolar macrophages, we used microelectrodes to obtain a direct measurement of the membrane potential at rest and after addition of concanavalin A, a stimulant of superoxide release, along with measurements of the membrane input resistance under the same conditions. The length of time for the maximal changes in membrane electrical properties was compared with the lag time for superoxide release. Electrophysiologic Measurements. For electrophysiologic measurements, cells were centrifuged onto high-density oil (Fluorinert FC-40; 3M, Minneapolis, MN) and covered with Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4). Microelectrodes were pulled with final resistances of between 35 MfQ and 55 MfQ and were filled with 3 M KCI, and these were maneuvered with a Leitz micromanipulator. Cells were impaled, and membrane potential was recorded through a high-impedance electrometer. Results were displayed on a dual-beam oscilloscope and recorded on a oscillographic recorder. Input resistance was measured by passing 500-msec square-wave pulses of hyperpolarizing current through the recording electrode. Pulses were generated through the electrometer by using a Grass Instruments type 88...