Our concern in this paper is in the fine-tuning of the arbitrary parameters within the upstream turbulence structure for the acoustic spectrum of a rapid-distortion theory (RDT)-based model of trailing-edge noise. RDT models are based on an appropriate asymptotic limit of the Linearized Euler Equations and apply when the interaction time of the turbulence with the surface edge discontinuity is small compared to the eddy turnover time. When an arbitrary transversely sheared jet mean flow convects a finite region of nonhomogeneous turbulence, the acoustic spectrum of the pressure field scattered by the trailing-edge depends on (among other things) the upstream turbulence via the Fourier transform of the correlation function, R22 (where subscript 2 refers to a co-ordinate surface normal to the plate). We show that the length and time scale parameters that govern the spatial and temporal de-correlation of R22 can be found using formal optimization methods to avoid any uncertainty in their selection by hand-tuning. We assess various optimization methods that are broadly categorized into an ‘evolutionary’ and ‘non-evolutionary’ paradigm. That is, we optimize the acoustic spectrum using the Multi-Start algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization and the Multi-Population Adaptive Inflationary Differential Evolution Algorithm. The optimization is based upon different objective functions for the acoustic spectrum and/or turbulence structure. We show that this approach, while resulting in the total modest increase in computation time (on average 2 h), gives excellent prediction over most frequencies (within 2–4 dB) where the trailing-edge noise associated amplification in sound exists.