A small size pulsed CO2 laser with rounded edge flat profiled electrodes and variable gas pressure in 1-3 atm range has been constructed and characterized. The perionization system consists of a pair of 16 series-connected spark gaps located along either side of the main electrodes by which, the number of required preionization capacitors is reduced to 4. Sharpening of the main discharge has been performed using a 300 pF peaking capacitor. A maximum energy of 160 mJ/pulse was obtained for CO2:N2:He≡1:1:8 gas mixture and 33 kV discharge voltage. By increasing the laser gas pressure in 1-3 atm range, the duration of spike and tail parts of the laser pulses have been reduced from 110 ns and 4 μs to 37 ns and 1 μs, respectively.