This study WtlS carried out on 70 adult male albino rats with average weight 102.57 ± /4_J9 gran~. A pilvt ;)•urvey scutly u/ilong 1200 females in Mansoura Faculty of Medici11e was done 10 choose tlw oi!/io be tested. These oils were used once for frying potatoes chips for different periods (I 14, I 12. and I hour) , repeatedly used 2, 3 and 4 times: ruc/1 1/4 hour and repeatedly ~~sed 2 times; each 112 l101tr. The effect of heating on oils was determined by assessment of Tllio Barbituric A cid Reactive Subswnces (TlJARS) in rhe fresh nnd heated sttldied oils. Results revellled that the dereriorative effect of f1eat increases by in-cr<'asill,li tlu: cl11mtfon uf oil ttsc ond tile repcli!iun of healitlg was much more destmctive than I he continuous use of the oil. Oils heated repeatedly for 4 times; eacl! /14 lzour was found ro have the mcuimmu TBA RS collletl f and so they were chosen for /he preparalioll of diet used during the swdy ott experinu;ntof animals. The uninwls wc:re r(llu{omly divided in;o Jewm groups: 10 rats eacl1 nud fed for three numtlu 1/u: prepared experimental diet. Firs t group of animals was fed oil free diet (11egative comrol grottp). A11iuwls was fed diet C011taini11g fresh (nonheated) sunflower (FS) oil in the second group (positive control group). repeatedly heated sunflower ( HS) oil in the third group, fresh (11011-lte01ed) collonsecd ( FC) oil in the fourth group (pos irive co/1/ro/ group, repeatedly heated cottonseed (HC) oil in the fifth group . fn:slt (11011-lteated) 111ixed ( stmf/ower and cottonseed) ( FM) oil in the six lit group (positive COIIIrol group) ami repc:medly healed mixed (sunflower nud cottonseed) (11M) oil in the seventh group. Rats were sacrificed and dissected at the end of third month of the study. Organs (fiver, kidr•ey, colon, !teart, and testis) were immediately excised and prepared for patholog ical studies and blood samples were <;ollectedfor biochcmicnl ~•rudies including estimation of ''TBARS" and glutathione peroxidase in serum , separariott of cc -. olocopherols r111d tocopflerol acetate and estimation of serum ALT, AST, albumin, creatinine a/Ill urea. In experimental animals it was foU11 d that chronic conswnption of any of the repeatedly l1eared swdied oils i11creases tl1e serum level of 1he peroxidmive products (TBA RS), decreases tire nmioxida11t defense of the body (serum glutatltio11e peroxidnse and tocopherols) and compromisi11g the liver and kidney full ctions presented as increase in the serum hepatic e11~ymes, decrease in serum albumin and increase in both Mt1115011rn f. Forensic M ed. Cli11 . Toxicol.