“…Thus, transient-sensitive neurons are thought to function as stimulus detectors and sustained-sensitive neurons are thought to function as stimulus analyzers or "discriminators" Berg, 1985!. Similar short time and long time constant neurons have also been found for visual and tactile stimuli~Breitmeyer & Ganz, 1976;Gescheider, Hoffman, Harrison, Travis, & Bolanowski, 1994;Schwartz & Loop, 1984!. It has been hypothesized that acoustic elicitation of startle and PPI are controlled by the activation of short time constant neurons Graham & Murray, 1977!. Several studies have supported the hypothesis that the transient system makes the greatest contribution to PPI~Blumenthal & Levey, 1989;Graham & Murray, 1977;Lane, Ornitz, & Guthrie, 1991!. These studies compared the effectiveness of discrete prepulses~brief, nonstartling stimuli that terminate before the startle stimulus is presented!…”