SUMMARYUsing a first-principles approach, we investigate the electronic and magnetic properties of the double-perovskite half-metal Sr 2 FeMoO 6 . We discuss our experimental studies of the thermoelectric properties of this compound, and our computer-simulation data, which indicate that its magnetic structure is a strong function of the location of the oxygen sites within the crystal lattice. We find experimentally that the Seebeck coefficient is about 10 to 15 µV/K, while the electrical resistivity is of order 10 -4Ω⋅m. We also argue that by skillfully controlling these parameters experimentally, it may be possible to realize a latent high thermoelectric conversion efficiency in this material, although verification of this requires further analysis and experimental study of properties such as the amount of magnetic disorder. In conclusion, we argue that while there has been almost no applications research done on this class of halfmetals, our simulation and experimental work indicate that high thermoelectric performance could be theoretically possible, which provides an indicator of what direction research on future applications of this material should follow.