“…Oncorhynchus mykiss (Winberg, et al, 2001), Amazonian characid, Brycon amazonicus (Wolkers, Serra, Hoshiba, & Urbinati, 2012), Rainbow trout (Overli, Harris, &Winberg, 1999 andLepage, et al, (2002), Atlantic cod (Hoglund, Bakke, Øverli, Winberg, & Nilsson, 2005). Hseu et al, 2003 found that dietary supplementation of L-tryptophan in juveniles rainbow trout diet leads to inhibit aggression behavior. Hoglund, Sorensen, Bakke, Nilsson, & Øverli, 2007 also revealed that L-tryptophan reduce cannibalism and stress induced anorexia in juvenile grouper and Lepage, Vilehez, Pottinger and Winberg, (2003) showed that it prevents stress induced cortisol surge.…”