a b s t r a c tHelium behavior in Al/B 4 C metal matrix composite with two different sets of ion irradiation conditions has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Helium bubbles in Al were found to be much larger than those in B 4 C after a helium fluence of 1.5 Â 10 17 ions/cm 2 at the room temperature. Also, bubbles at grain boundaries and their vicinity in aluminum are faceted. With additional proton irradiation, a bubble denuded zone along the aluminum grain boundary appears. The results are discussed in terms of the energetics of the material system.Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.Al/B 4 C metal matrix composite (MMC) is an important neutron absorbing material used in both wet storage pools and dry storage casks of spent nuclear fuel for preventing criticality. Al/B 4 C MMC can effectively absorb fast and thermal neutrons, because of the high neutron absorption cross-section of 10 B through the 10 B(n, a) 7 Li transmutation reaction for a wide energy range of neutrons.The damage produced by elastic collisions between neutrons and other energetic particles generated by transmutation reactions with the target atoms along with the build-up of helium concentration in the MMC may lead to the precipitation of helium bubbles. The gamma and neutron doses received in the MMC depend on a number of factors including fuel burnup, storage time, and the self-shielding of the fuel assemblies. In spent fuel fool storage, the neutron flux can be as high as 2.6 Â 10 5 neutron/cm 2 s and the gamma dose rate is in the range of 0.1-10 kGy/h [1,2], corresponding to several thousand appm of transmuted helium build up and 1-2 dpa (displacement per atom) of damage during the estimated storage period of 60 years in spent fuel pool storage and about 200 years in the dry storage casks.As a control rod material, the defect structure in neutron irradiated B 4 C was investigated by Ashbee [3,4], Jostsons [5,6], Hollenberg [7] and Donomae [8] et al. He + implantation of B 4 C has been performed by Stoto [9] and Maruyama [10]. Irradiation effects and helium bubble formation in aluminum after high energy proton irradiation were reported by Singh and Victoria [11,12]. The precipitation of helium causes not only changes in microstructure but degradation in the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of Al/B 4 C MMC, such as, reduced thermal conductivity, decreased corrosion resistance and volume swelling. The property change in Al/B 4 C MMC affects the long-term performance of the MMC in its working environment. In fact, irradiation induced microcracking in B 4 C that leads to increased boron release was reported by Copeland [13] and Stoto [14].This paper focuses on helium bubble formation upon helium implantation and bubble evolution during additional proton irradiation in the Al/B 4 C MMC. Ion irradiations were conducted to simulate the effects of radiation and helium build-up in Al/B 4 C MMC as neutron absorbers in wet storage pool and dry storage casks. Angular shape B 4 C particles w...