Lk -Spin glasses and other random magnets.Abstract. -Magnetic, electric and structural properties of La0.96−yNdyK0.04MnO 3+δ with 0≤ y ≤0.4 have been studied experimentally. A disordered magnetic state is formed as La is substituted by Nd, reflecting the competition between ferromagnetic (FM) double exchange and antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions. Key structural parameters are identified and correlated with changes in magnetic and electric properties. By application of a large magnetic field, spin disorder scattering is removed, creating a new magnetoresistance peak at a temperature lower than the first near-Tc peak. Time dependent zero-field-cooled magnetisation measurements have been performed for y=0.4 around this temperature. A reentrant spin glass (RSG) transition is evidenced, with low field ageing properties in both the RSG and FM phases, similar to those observed in archetypal spin glass materials.Introduction. -The doped manganite compounds R 1−y A y MnO 3 (R=rare earth; A=alkali-ne earth) have been intensively investigated concerning their colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) properties [1]. Simultaneous ferromagnetic (FM) and metallic properties in these manganese oxides are attributed to double exchange [2] (DE) interaction between pairs of Mn 3+ (t