Although deep frying is widely used, little is known about the effect of frying different meats on the frying oil. The aims of this study were to investigate whether the pork type influences the characteristics of the frying oil, to compare any effects with those of French fries, and to research whether the use of thermally damaged oil differentially affects those products. French fries and pork from pigs reared outdoors on acorns and grass (outdoor) or indoors on a concentrated feed (indoor) were deep-fried in either raw or previously heated olive oil. The type of product affected most color parameters, K268 and the α-tocopherol content of the oil. The frying of outdoor pork hardly affected the α-tocopherol content, whereas the frying of indoor pork and especially French fries caused a significant decrease. This suggests that the meat type should be considered when setting the frying lifespan of olive oil. Regarding the fried products, L*, moisture (only French fries) and the malondialdehyde (MDA) content (only indoor pork) were the only parameters affected by the previous oil damage. The outdoor pork was less susceptible to oxidation than the indoor pork when the oil was severely damaged. Therefore, pig outdoor-based systems based on antioxidant-rich diets might be convenient to maintain oxidation at the lowest level after frying.