To assess and compare the effectiveness of Salavana Upanaha Sweda with and without Parisheka on spasticity in children with cerebral palsy. 32 diagnosed cases of Spastic Cerebral Palsy were selected for the study based on the diagnostic criteria and inclusion criteria, later divided into two groups (A and B). The subjects in group A was administered both Parisheka and Upanaha while those in group B with Upanaha only. The duration of study was 90 days, in consecutive 3 sittings of 15 days each with gap of another 15days. Both the groups showed effect in reducing Spasticity at the level of p<0.05. Even though both groups were found to be effective in reducing Spasticity based on objective and subjective parameters, better effect was seen in Upanaha along with Parisheka group when compared to the Upanaha alone group.